Does Treating Children with Acupuncture Work?
Treating Children with Acupuncture works incredibly well. In the Far East doctors use acupuncture to treat children in all hospitals. At our clinic in Guildford we have successfully helped children with all sorts of conditions. We find children often get better quicker than adults, and need less treatment.
What Conditions will it help?
Virtually all problems can be helped by acupuncture. Some conditions we treat are allergies, hay fever, asthma, digestion issues, IBS, pain, migraines. Growing pains and injuries that don’t get better quickly can also be helped.
Can Babies Have Acupuncture?
It is never too early to bring a child in to us. We have successfully treated newborn babies for issues like digestion issues, colic, sleep problems, and birth trauma.
When is Best to Bring My Child for treatment?
The simple answer is as soon as possible. We find that many problems are easier to help the earlier you get help. This is especially true with children. If a problem doesn’t go as we grow up, it can be much harder to treat.
What if My Child Is Scared Of Needles?
The main fear parents will have is of their children being scared of needles. In reality children are often better with this than their parents. Also, acupuncture is virtually painless for most children. We always have a chat with them when they come to us. We explain that we will not force them to have needles. They can try one needle and see how it feels, & they can always ask to have the needles taken out. We will never force a child to have acupuncture.
Diet & Lifestyle
As well as treating, we give advice on diet, exercise and lifestyle. We find that dietary advice can often have a huge effect on your children’s health.
Bringing your child to us
It is very easy to bring your child to our Guildford clinic. We have plenty of on-site parking. Our clinic is spacious with a large waiting room. You obviously are welcome to sit with your child throughout their treatment. We will have plenty of time to answer any questions you have.
Getting In Contact
So if your child is having any kind of health issue that is not responding to conventional treatment, why not contact us, & see if we can help.