Every day in our affordable acupuncture clinic in Guildford we experience the power of acupuncture to treat so many conditions.
Acupuncture is now used in the NHS and in hospitals all over the world. This is because it works. The World Health Organisation says it helps most of the list below. In Chinese hospitals they’ve been treating virtually all illnesses for centuries. So it is well worth you contacting us to talk with us what we can treat in your particular case.
We have helped such a wide variety of conditions, both physical and emotional. Here are some of them:
Smoking Pain Tiredness
Injuries Back pain Allergies
Stress Frozen shoulder Hay fever
Insomnia Repetitive Strain RSI Sinus problems
High Blood Pressure Muscular problems Asthma
Migraine Rheumatism Digestive problems
Trigeminal Neuralgia Sciatica Menstrual problems
Peripheral Neuropathy Arthritis Menopausa
Bell’s Palsy Stroke symptoms Infertility
We can also help where there is no clear diagnosis, in pregnancy management, during childbirth and all problems with babies and infants. Acupuncture is also often used to treat side effects of chemotherapy.
For Acupuncture to help you, you can need a course of treatments. So our £20 treatment cost allows you to be able to afford good and proper treatment, from our highly experienced acupuncturists.