Meniere’s disease is really difficult for all who suffer with it. Here is one client’s story. Joanna, who Vahida treated with acupuncture, has kindly agreed to us posting it here.
“It is 13 years since I wrote an article in Spin magazine on acupuncture and Menieres. I have since then gone from strength to strength.
The doctors have dismissed me because they said there’s nothing more they can do for my Menieres Syndrome.I must keep taking the SERK (medication) 16mg three times a day.
I am down to 8mg once a day! I haven’t had a vertigo attack in ten years. My tinnitus is under control and I am certainly not as deaf.
Why? Because thanks to my acupuncturist I have learnt to mange my Menieres syndrome and of course I have been having acupuncture. Her favourite phrase is ‘listen to your body’. Our one hour sessions which initially I had every month and now every six months, have not only the needles but also a consultation. In that time I have learnt to recognise what triggers the symptoms ( tinnitus, deafness and vertigo), the best diet for my body, counteract with natural remedies- celery, parsley and asparagus as a diuretic, beetroot and red meat fro iron.. I have learnt how to mange stress, a trigger for Menieres and tiredness, another trigger.
Over the years I have used my acupuncture for other ailments. My doctor is known to say:” I don’t think I have seen you for over a year”. Acupuncture can be a form of maintenance, especially through the winter months when there are lots of infections around. It boost up my immune system and can help me sleep. If I am having headaches, backache, pulled a muscle, got sinusitis, I go and have acupuncture. It always works for me.” Joanna