When we see you at Affordable Acupuncture Guildford, you will be in a private room for your consultation and treatment. We will spend time with you and take a detailed case history. Then we treat you using single use needles. Then we leave you to relax and let the treatment work. While you relax with your treatment we will be on hand and treating other people in other rooms. We will monitor you during your treatment.
Most people find our acupuncture treatment extremely relaxing.
We also find people really benefit from a course of treatment, which with our low costs you can do. This really allows acupuncture to help your health to get better and stay better!
You may feel the benefits of acupuncture after just one treatment. Otherwise it may take a few treatments.
Acupuncture in most cases works best with a course of 6-10 treatments. e.g. 5 sessions once or twice per week followed by treatments twice per month until your improvement is stable. Sometimes ongoing regular treatment is needed for chronic conditions, for example arthritis or asthma.
Some conditions only require 1 course of treatment.