At our clinic in Guildford Surrey we use acupuncture treatment for Migraine and headaches with great success.
Acupuncture can be used for prevention of migraine & to help symptoms of acute attacks.
Doctors Say Acupuncture Treatment for Migraine works!
The World Health Organisation endorses acupuncture for migraine headaches.
NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence} guidelines recommend acupuncture for migraine. The NICE guideline is the NHS guidance for their doctors.
About Migraine
Migraines are a serious problem and can severely affect your quality of life.
Migraines affect mainly women. About 60% of migraines are linked to the menstrual cycle. The pain is severe & often one sided. It can have other symptoms like nausea, visual problems, sensitivity to light or sound . Some people experience an aura before an attack. This can be visual disturbances, pins and needles , speech problems, dizziness etc.
Migraines can last for a few hours or a few days. They can happen several times a week week, or only occasionally.
What Causes Migraine?
They are often caused by: tension, dehydration, eye strain, low blood sugar levels, sinusitis, head injury, spinal problems, hormonal changes, overuse of painkillers etc
Some foods are known to be migraine triggers. Examples are: cheese, alcohol, caffeine, food additives, irregular meals. Emotional triggers play an important role such as stress, anxiety, anger.
Physical triggers include: tiredness, dental problems. Combined triggers are more likely to cause an acute attack.
Migraines are believed to start with changes to blood vessels in the brain. Migraines can be made worse by: high blood pressure, hormonal changes, contraceptive pill, HRT, hormonal fluctuations before the period., smoking.
Medical Migraine treatments
Medical treatment is mainly based on over the counter and prescription drugs, to relieve the symptoms. Doctors usually prescribe painkillers , anti-sickness drugs and beta-blockers. Most of them are associated with adverse effects.
Acupuncture Treatment for Migraine and Headache
When we first see you we will decide on a treatment plan. This sometimes involves lifestyle , dietary advice and trigger management.
Acupuncture treatment involves gently inserting about 10-20 needles. It is virtually painless.
Acupuncture treatment for migraine works best with a course of 6-10 weekly treatments.