7 years of £25 Acupuncture in Guildford Surrey

Acupuncture GuildofrdWe opened our £25/treatment clinic using acupuncture in Guildford, Surrey seven year ago.

We opened this clinic to help more people with acupuncture. We have always been aware that the normal rate of £50+ for this kind of treatment can be too much for some people. Especially as acupuncture usually needs a course of 4-6 weekly treatments.

We have helped many many people with a variety of conditions in the last 7 years. We have had really positive feedback re our clinic. People like the ease of access, the way we work, & our results.

We can charge just £25/treatment by sometimes having 2 couches per treatment room, with a screen separating them for privacy. All consultations are in a private room before being treated. We’ve had great feedback from all our clients about us treating them in this way.

It is now widely accepted that acupuncture works. The NHS has now say that acupuncture works for many conditions. The World Health Organisation also says it works for a wide range of conditions.

Both of us having qualified and & been treating people for more than 30 years So you are in safe hands, & are guaranteed the very best in acupuncture care.  We also like to work in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere where you will quickly feel welcome and at ease.acupuncture in guildford surrey

We are very enthusiastic to make acupuncture available to everyone. So often we treat & help people who have tried everything else.

So why not get in touch, & see if we can help you…

We look forward to hearing from you.

Vahida Diaz & David Gilbert

Acupuncture Treatment for Stress

At our Clinic in Guildford we find acupuncture treatment for stress can really help. our treatment can help you very quickly.

About Stress

Acupuncture Treatment for Stress

All of us experience stress from time to time. Work, money problems, being chased by a lion, public speaking, can all cause pressure. Feeling stressed is a result of not coping with the pressure.

20% of visits to a GP are due to stress, anxiety and depression.

People react differently to stress, It can affect how your body works and how you feel or think.

Common signs of stress are sleeping and eating problems, muscle tension, headaches, dizziness. You can feel anxious, have panic attacks,  palpitations or find  it difficult to concentrate due to stress.

When  you are under stress your body produces stress hormones such as cortisol which are useful if you’re running away from a lion. If you are under stress for a long period of time your stress hormone levels fail to return to normal. This lowers your immune response and  leads to symptoms of stress.

Stress can cause serious illness. It is important to recognise the symptoms and find healthy ways to cope. Many people adopt unhealthy coping habits such as smoking or drinking. Learning to relax, regular exercise and meditation can help. Doctors often use drugs to control the symptoms of stress. Most of them have unwanted side effects.

Loneliness, Modern Life and Stress

Today we have less sense of community.  We work long hours, eat on our own & do many things on our own. We surf the internet for many hours & often don’t have a strong local friend and family network. Research shows this can hugely affect our health. It can even shorten our life a lot! For more on this see here.

Acupuncture Treatment for Stress

Acupuncture treatment for stressAcupuncture is very effective in reducing stress. We see lots of people with  problems linked with stress, for example, pain, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, migraines.

It is believed that acupuncture stimulates the nervous system. It helps levels of feel-good hormones like serotonine and dopamine. This leads to a relaxation response.

In Chinese medicine it is believed that stress and negative emotions affect the smooth flow of Qi (energy) in the body. For example, anger affects the Liver energy and fear reduces Kidney energy. Acupuncture helps these energy blockages . The healing effects include slower heart rate, muscle relaxation, lower blood pressure etc.

We can also help you learn a relaxation technique that suits you .Eating better also reduces your stress levels,for example, avoiding caffeine, refined sugar and alcohol.

Many of our clients who use acupuncture for pain and other symptoms find that they start feeling more relaxed and sleep better.

Read here for more about what we can treat with acupuncture.

Affordable Acupuncture Guildford

Treatment of Pain with Acupuncture

We find the treatment of pain with acupuncture really helps. At our clinic in Guildford we treat all types of pain, recent or long term. We can also give you advice to help your symptoms. Small life style changes can really help. Diet and exercise are particularly important.

Doctors Say Treatment of Pain with Acupuncture works!

NHS doctors are beginning to use acupuncture along with other treatment, but the availability is very limited.

NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence) guidelines recommend acupuncture for lower back pain.

Chronic pain affects around 8% of UK population and it cost NHS billions of pounds. It can lead to depression and about 1 in 4 people lose their job due to painful conditions.

Why try Acupuncture

More and more people are turning to acupuncture to treat their pain. A big plus of acupuncture treatment is fewer side effects. Acupuncture can really help when drugs don’t work & have side-effects. Side effects can be specially difficult for you when drugs are taken for a long time. Acupuncture has no side effects, and is very safe. And with us it is very affordable!

What Pain do We Treat?Treatment of Pain with Acupuncture Guildford Surrey

We frequently treat the following conditions:


Neck, back , knee , shoulder, elbow pain


Trapped nerve

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Abdominal pain due to menstrual  or digestive problems

How Does Acupuncture Help Pain?

Chinese medicine says there a re energy pathways in our bodies. They call them meridians. They use acupuncture to unblock or bring new energy into the energy pathways.

This has not been measured by doctors, but the NHS are beginning to use acupuncture now because it works!

Some theories have been accepted as scientific explanations of acupuncture mechanisms such as Gate Theory of Pain and The Two Gate Control Theory.

Research has shown that acupuncture affects our biological systems. It can help body  release  hormones, disable  receptors & activate  anti-inflammatory chemicals. It is believed that this comes from acupuncture working on our nervous system. Acupuncture also promotes relaxation & reduces sensitivity to pain.

In a study published in “Archives of Internal Medicine” on 10th Sept 2012, researchers led by Andrew Vickers reported that acupuncture is effective in reducing chronic pain. This study reviewed 29 previous studies involving 17,922 people. It gave strong evidence that acupuncture benefits some types of chronic pain.

Acupuncture Treatment for Migraine

At our clinic in Guildford Surrey we use acupuncture treatment for Migraine and headaches with great success.

Acupuncture can be used for prevention of migraine & to help symptoms of acute attacks.

Doctors Say Acupuncture Treatment for Migraine works!

The World Health Organisation endorses acupuncture for migraine headaches.

NICE (National Institute for Clinical Excellence}  guidelines recommend acupuncture for migraine. The NICE guideline is the NHS guidance for their doctors.

About Migraine
Acupuncture treatment for Migraine guildford surrey

Migraines are a serious problem and can severely affect your quality of life.

Migraines affect mainly women. About 60% of migraines are linked to the menstrual cycle. The pain is severe & often one sided. It can have other symptoms like nausea, visual problems, sensitivity to light or sound . Some people experience an aura before an attack. This can be visual disturbances, pins and needles , speech problems, dizziness etc.

Migraines can last for a few hours or a few days.  They can happen several times a week week, or only occasionally.

What Causes Migraine?

They are often caused by: tension, dehydration, eye strain,  low blood sugar levels, sinusitis, head injury, spinal problems, hormonal changes, overuse of painkillers  etc

Some foods are known to be migraine triggers. Examples are: cheese, alcohol, caffeine, food additives, irregular meals.  Emotional triggers play an important role such as stress, anxiety, anger.

Physical triggers include: tiredness, dental problems. Combined triggers are more likely to cause an acute attack.

Migraines are believed to start with changes to blood vessels in the brain. Migraines can be made worse by: high blood pressure, hormonal changes, contraceptive pill, HRT, hormonal fluctuations before the period., smoking.

Medical Migraine treatments

Medical treatment is mainly based on over the counter and prescription drugs, to relieve the symptoms. Doctors usually prescribe painkillers , anti-sickness  drugs and beta-blockers. Most of them are associated with adverse effects.

Acupuncture Treatment for Migraine and Headache

When we first see you we will decide on a treatment plan. This sometimes involves lifestyle , dietary advice and trigger management.

Acupuncture treatment involves gently inserting about 10-20 needles. It is virtually painless.

Acupuncture treatment for migraine works best with a course of 6-10 weekly treatments.